Article citation counts are available on my Google Scholar profile.
Raupach, T. H., J. S. Soderholm, and J. Aldridge: Fostering science-industry connections in Australia’s severe-storm science community. Bull Amer Meteor Soc (2024).
Wasko, C., Westra, S., Nathan, R., Pepler, A., Raupach, T. H., Dowdy, A., Johnson, F., Ho, M., McInnes, K. L., Jakob, D., Evans, J., Villarini, G., and Fowler, H. J.: A systematic review of climate change science relevant to Australian design flood estimation, Hydrol Earth Syst Sci (2024).
Book chapter: Schleiss, M., Raupach, T.H., Berne, A.. The raindrop size distribution - the unknown that holds everything together, in: Advances in Weather Radar. Volume 2: Precipitation Science, Scattering and Processing Algorithms. IET Digital Library (2023).
T.P. Lane, A.D. King, S.E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, A.J. Pitman, L.V. Alexander, J.M. Arblaster, N.L. Bindoff, C.H. Bishop, M.T. Black, R.A. Bradstock, H.G. Clarke, A.J.E. Gallant, M.R. Grose, N.J. Holbrook, G.J. Holland, P. Hope, D.J. Karoly, T.H. Raupach, A.M. Ukkola: Attribution of extreme events to climate change in the Australian region – A review, Weather Clim Extremes (2023).
Raupach, T.H., Soderholm, J.S., Warren, R.A., and Sherwood, S.C,: Changes in hail hazard across Australia: 1979–2021. npj Clim Atmos Sci (2023).
Raupach, T.H., Soderholm, J., Protat, A., Sherwood, S.C.: An Improved Instability–Shear Hail Proxy for Australia, Mon Weather Rev (2023). (pdf)
Raupach, T. H., Martynov, A., Nisi, L., Hering, A., Barton, Y., and Martius, O.: Object-based analysis of simulated thunderstorms in Switzerland: application and validation of automated thunderstorm tracking with simulation data, Geosci Model Dev (2021).
Timothy H Raupach, Olivia Martius, John T Allen, Michael Kunz, Sonia Lasher-Trapp, Susanna Mohr, Kristen L Rasmussen, Robert J Trapp, Qinghong Zhang: The effects of climate change on hailstorms. Nat Rev Earth Environ (2021).
Yannick Barton, Ioannis V Sideris, Timothy H Raupach, Marco Gabella, Urs Germann, Olivia Martius. A multi‐year assessment of sub‐hourly gridded precipitation for Switzerland based on a blended radar—Rain‐gauge dataset. Int J Climatol (2020).
Viswanathan Bringi, Kumar Vijay Mishra, Merhala Thurai, Patrick C Kennedy, Timothy H Raupach. Retrieval of lower-order moments of the drop size distribution using CSU-CHILL X-band polarimetric radar: a case study. Atmos Meas Tech (2020).
Timothy H Raupach, Merhala Thurai, VN Bringi, Alexis Berne. Reconstructing the drizzle mode of the raindrop size distribution using double-moment normalization. J Appl Meteorol Clim (2019).
LW de Vos, TH Raupach, H Leijnse, A Overeem, A Berne, R Uijlenhoet. High‐Resolution Simulation Study Exploring the Potential of Radars, Crowdsourced Personal Weather Stations, and Commercial Microwave Links to Monitor Small‐Scale Urban Rainfall. Water Resour Res (2018).
Manuel F Rios Gaona, Aart Overeem, Timothy H Raupach, Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet. Rainfall retrieval with commercial microwave links in São Paulo, Brazil. Atmos Meas Tech (2018).
FJ Tapiador, A Berne, T Raupach, A Navarro, G Lee, ZS Haddad. Objective Characterization of Rain Microphysics: Validating a Scheme Suitable for Weather and Climate Models. J Hydrometeorol (2018).
Timothy H Raupach, Auguste Gires, Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia, Daniel Schertzer, Alexis Berne. Multifractal Analysis of Snowfall Recorded Using a 2D Video Disdrometer. J Hydrometeorol (2017).
Timothy H Raupach, Alexis Berne. Retrieval of the raindrop size distribution from polarimetric radar data using double-moment normalisation. Atmos Meas Tech (2017).
Timothy H Raupach, Alexis Berne. Invariance of the double-moment normalized raindrop size distribution through 3D spatial displacement in stratiform rain. J Appl Meteorol Clim (2017).
Guillaume Nord, Brice Boudevillain, Alexis Berne, Flora Branger, Isabelle Braud, Guillaume Dramais, Simon Gérard, Jérôme Le Coz, Cédric Legout, Gilles Molinié, Joel Van Baelen, Jean-Pierre Vandervaere, Julien Andrieu, Coralie Aubert, Martin Calianno, Guy Delrieu, Jacopo Grazioli, Sahar Hachani, Ivan Horner, Jessica Huza, Raphaël Le Boursicaud, Timothy H Raupach, Adriaan J Teuling, Magdalena Uber, Béatrice Vincendon, Annette Wijbrans. A high space–time resolution dataset linking meteorological forcing and hydro-sedimentary response in a mesoscale Mediterranean catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche region, France. Earth Sys Sci Data (2017).
Timothy H Raupach, Alexis Berne. Spatial interpolation of experimental raindrop size distribution spectra. Q J Roy Meteor Soc (2016).
Timothy H Raupach, Alexis Berne. Small-scale variability of the raindrop size distribution and its effect on areal rainfall retrieval. J Hydrometeorol (2016).
Timothy H Raupach, Alexis Berne. Correction of raindrop size distributions measured by Parsivel disdrometers, using a two-dimensional video disdrometer as a reference. Atmos Meas Tech (2015).
J Grazioli, D Tuia, S Monhart, M Schneebeli, T Raupach, A Berne. Hydrometeor classification from two-dimensional video disdrometer data. Atmos Meas Tech (2014).
Jessica Huza, Adriaan J Teuling, Isabelle Braud, Jacopo Grazioli, Lieke A Melsen, Guillaume Nord, Timothy H Raupach, Remko Uijlenhoet. Precipitation, soil moisture and runoff variability in a small river catchment (Ardèche, France) during HyMeX Special Observation Period 1. J Hydrol (2014).
Renee L Brawata, Timothy H Raupach, Teresa Neeman. Techniques for monitoring carnivore behavior using automatic thermal video. Wildlife Soc B (2013).
Adrian Chappell, Luigi J Renzullo, Tim H Raupach, Malcolm Haylock. Evaluating geostatistical methods of blending satellite and gauge data to estimate near real-time daily rainfall for Australia. J Hydrol (2013).
Surya Prakash, Pei Yean Lee, Terry Caelli, Tim Raupach. Robust thermal camera calibration and 3D mapping of object surface temperatures. Proc. SPIE 6205, Thermosense XXVIII, 62050J (2006).